"I wanted to send a quick note coming out of today’s webinar and express my gratitude for making this content available. I’ve attended so many webinars over my career and I can say this was one of my most valued. I look forward to reviewing my notes and leveraging the resources made available to make some changes!"

- STEM Moms Webinar Participant

If you’re a highly educated woman whose identity was defined by her career in STEM or corporate up until you had kids ... and you don’t want to be an exhausted, burnt-out motherhood penalty and million dollar wealth gap statistic (while watching new fathers experience a “fatherhood premium” through increased wages and promotions), then this course series is for you.


Let’s create your ultimate working mom from "survive to thrive" guide so that you overcome the crushing overwhelm of figuring out “having it all” on your own!

"In a world of leadership programs, Pros&Babes focuses on how we bring our professional and personal worlds together. It allows women with caregiving duties to reach their leadership potential.

This is a priority because we have unique perspectives and skills as a result of being caregivers. The return on investment is most apparent in a female leader's ability to lead and grow individuals on their teams, which in turn grows an organization."


- Amanda M. P.Eng. M.Sc., Manager Regulatory Compliance, Pros&Babes training participant


Who is this for?

This monthly online webinar series is for pregnant women, moms on maternity leave, and working moms (with older kids, too) in STEM/STEAM, corporate, and competitive fields, and who are leaders or on a leadership track. It's also for people of all genders who are family planning or want to support working parents.

Join us if you want to:

 Leave behind the feeling you should be working as if you didn't have children, and raise your children like you didn't have a career.

 Understand the seasons of your life and "fair play" systems so that schedule changes (like when kids' get sick!) don't get you completely off track your productive and mental health flow.

➥ Design your vision of happiness and success 

➥ Make it come alive.




The Working Mom Manual Series

With Kinia Romanowska, CEO of Pros&Babes, and guest speakers

What Mothers in Engineering and Demanding Careers Are Saying  

No need to attend all live sessions - you can simply attend the ones you are interested in! Sessions last between 50 and 75 minutes.


Attendance to all live-only sessions is free to make it accessible professionals with less than five years of working experience, on maternity leave, newcommers, or with an unemployed spouse.


Certificates of Completion: you will be able to get certificates of completion for CPD hours. Administrative fees apply. CPD hour eligibility varies depending on your location and regulatory body. You are responsible for ensuring you comply with your regulatory body's requirements and procedures.

Funmi, Engineer, M. Eng.

"This has been the best thing for my professional development in this time. And actually, the best thing for my family too, because it is something we can all learn from."

Megan, P. Engineer

“I didn’t want to just exist. I wanted to thrive. I wanted to have a great family life and a successful career, even though everyone says you can’t do well at both. So I said ‘yes’ to myself and registered. You can have it all. You just have to start by shifting your mindset, and that’s when the magic happens.”

Here’s what APEGA (Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of Alberta) workshop participants said about the Pros&Babes training

"I think this topic needs more attention than ever. Women/parents are still struggling in the workplace and will continue to until there is some true equality. Some company are making big strides with encouraging paternity leave for everyone."

"Thank you very much for putting together this inclusive topic to demonstrate that this is something of interest to APEGA."

"The workbook was really great. I wish more seminars offered them, so we can continue to learn after the event is over."


"Should be offered minimum yearly with Kinia.“

Why Should You Participate?

43% of women and 23% of men leave full-time STEM employment after having kids, often citing a work culture hostile to family life.


Only 20% of mothers feel confident returning to work after mat leave, and 40% of them feel so unsupported they think of quitting. With every child a woman has, a wage gap is created and widens. Mothers are rated as less hireable, less suitable for promotion and management training, and deserving of lower salaries because they are believed to be less competent and less committed to paid work.


Thankfully, competence and commitment can partially help tackle this problem. Pros&Babes provides a solid foundation for moms to start mitigating the “motherhood penalty” through unique, professional and personal development programs for moms on maternity leave and working moms, so they can feel less alone, more prepared to go back to work, negotiate, protect their careers, build their networks, and succeed instead of being stifled. Moms finish the courses feeling so much more confident about integrating their family and professional lives.

Pros&Babes has helped mothers and their leaders in the following organizations: