Ā Read case studies from other women in STEM/STEAM and demanding careers who decided to take control of their motherhood journeys.

Megan, P.Eng. and Mom

In three months of MoMBA work, my mindset had drastically changed to be more solutions-focused instead of being stuck in survival mode. I understood my values and the values of my partner and was making time for more things that aligned with those values. I also felt supported by the MoMBA community in a way that was missing in my life since becoming a mother.

Almost three years into this work, I trust myself again. I believe I can continue to thrive and have an impact in both my family life and career. I am prioritizing myself, so that I can show up for everyone else in my life. We have a financial plan that will drastically increase our potential net worth, set our children up for success, and broaden our impact in the community and our worth. I am a more patient, loving and connected parent to my children, and the relationship with my husband is stronger and more connected.

Amanda, P.Eng. and Mom


Unlike any other program, the MoMBA brings motherhood and career together. Its holistic approach covers 12 pillars, and they are all interconnected. Without a comprehensive program like this, I would have been left to figure out critical areas of my life alone. I would have spent a lot of time and energy in the process. As a mom, itā€™s already hard enough!

Sarah,Ā P.Eng. andĀ Mom


The biggest shift Iā€™ve seen in myself is in the mindset. When I started the MoMBA program, I was stuck in a scarcity mindset, worried about the loss of income from my career break and not open to opportunities for growth.Ā 

Joining the program has made a huge change: my mind has opened up to so many ideas, including the possibility to outsource, which allows me to keep working on myself. Itā€™s a new element in my decision-making that is going to be extremely valuable after returning from maternity leave: I know I will need tons of support to thrive in my career.

Alisha,Ā P.Eng.Ā and Mom


The peer mentorship Iā€™ve enjoyed within the MoMBA community has helped me grow in competence and confidence, so now I feel ready to reach out to other women who are at an earlier stage in their careers and support them on their journey.

When you have coaching and regular follow-up, and you're exposed to a variety of perspectives within a supportive community, growth happens so much faster!

Kirsten, P.Eng. and Mom


I joined the MoMBA one month before my return to work, a transition that felt scary and uncertain. It was right at that time that the opportunity to fill a leadership position in a new organization came up. The women in the MoMBA community offered me the encouragement I needed to go after that promotion. I knew that if I were to get that role, I would be able to rely on their support to grow and thrive in it.
Ever since my first session with Kinia, Iā€™ve gained tons of confidence about my leadership skills. And confidence is what I brought to the interview, and what ultimately got me the job. I am so grateful to the community for helping me plant the seeds of my success.

Funmi, P.Eng. and Mom


Pros&Babes has been the best thing for my professional development in this time.
And actually, the best thing for my family too, because it is something we can all learn from.

Maja, Director of Business Operations and Mom


The MoMBA gives us the tools to live a designed, purposeful life.
Surrounded by amazing parents, you're inspired to change your mindset to thrive both as a mom and professional.

Amanda, P.Eng., and Mom of teens


In a world of leadership programs, the MoMBA focuses on how we bring our professional and personal worlds together. It allows women with caregiving duties to reach their leadership potential. This is a priority because we have unique perspectives and skills as a result of being caregivers. The return on investment is most apparent in a female leaders' ability to lead and grow individuals on their teams, which in turn grows an organization.

Joelle, Software developer and Mom

For me, the gains over a lifetime with just being able to make these shifts in your mindset is huge: if it makes my relationship better with my husband and makes that relationship better with my daughter and makes me a better employee, and makes me less stressed out for the rest of my life... all of those gains become huge. That investment is not really that big when you consider all of those different aspects changing in your life. It's a huge value for every area of your life, there's very few things that can really have an effect on every single piece of of the way in which you move through the world.

Jazmin, Partner in a "Big Four" firm, Risk Management, and Mom


My mindset has changed drastically. I have better work and family life integration, and I'm implementing the necessary support systems. I see great progress in the four years I have been part of the program. As an extremely busy professional in a dual career couple,Ā I can attend the program because the schedule isĀ very flexible with calls, sessions pre-planned in my calendar, and consuming content at my own pace.

Patricia, Engineer and Mom


Pros&Babes offers a community of like-minded women wanting to be amazing mothers, and continue to do amazing things with our professional careers... I wanted to be a part of that community to learn from these women, to share the wisdom and grace that I have personally and have never previously given myself credit for. And to show up for myself, instead of just doing what everyone else wants me to do. I am a supermom, even though it sometimes doesn't feel like it, even though it's often a struggle to just get through the day.

Melissa, P.Eng. and Mom


The energy Kinia has put into it is phenomenal because she's not just affecting us moms. She's affecting the relationship with your partner, and with our kids, and it's really eye opening, realizing that your biggest input in the world, the biggest way you could change the world, could be through the children that you're raising.

Hanna, Diplomat and Mom


Pros&Babes has taught me that harmony in both career and family is possible. I'm grateful for the MoMBAā„¢ program: it has helped me embrace a growth mindset to become more intentional with my values, attitudes and motivation towards creating a life I've always envisioned.

Colleen, P.Eng. and Mom


Since the pandemic moved networks and support online, Iā€™ve found in Pros&Babes a safe place where motherhood could be discussed and normalized. From there it has evolved into much more, helping me grow and realize I get to choose who I want to be - as a person, a parent and a professional. The MoMBA community has been an absolute highlight of my maternity leave.

Ā MoMBA Success Stories

Watch and Listen: See how several moms working in STEM/STEAM and demanding careers transformed their lives with the MoMBA program.

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