STEM, Corporate and Career-Minded Moms:


Turn the Motherhood Penalty

Into Your Ultimate Advantage.

Get the career, home life, health, and financial satisfaction you deserve, while engineering a better world for your children.

Register for the STEM moms webinar series

As Seen On


You’re a highly educated woman whose identity was defined by her career in STEM, a demanding, or corporate job up until you had kids ...

 ... and you don’t want to be an exhausted, burnt-out motherhood penalty and million dollar wealth gap statistic (while watching new fathers experience a “fatherhood premium” through increased wages and promotions), then:


Pros&Babes services are for you.


Let’s create your ultimate working mom from "survive to thrive" process manual and premium support network so you can overcome the crushing overwhelm of figuring out “having it all” on your own!




We'll train you to turn the Motherhood Penalty into your greatest advantage.


Connection, confidence, peace of mind, and success on your terms await!


That's me! Let's get started!

Amanda R., P.Eng. and Mom


Unlike any other program, the MoMBA brings motherhood and career together. Its holistic approach covers 12 pillars, and they are all interconnected. Without a comprehensive program like this, I would have been left to figure out critical areas of my life alone. I would have spent a lot of time and energy in the process. As a mom, it’s already hard enough!

Melissa K. M., P.Eng. and Mom of three


The energy Kinia has put into it is phenomenal because she's not just affecting us moms. She's affecting the relationship with your partner, and with our kids, and it's really eye opening, realizing that your biggest input in the world, the biggest way you could change the world, could be through the children that you're raising.

Patricia S., Engineer and Mom of four


I finally found a community of like-minded women wanting to be amazing mothers, and continue to do amazing things with our professional careers - supportive women who have fully offered advice and everything from “How do I make my husband see the value in doing this work with me?” to “What does your morning routine look like?”

See 20+ Case Studies

How do I know I’m experiencing the motherhood penalty?

The Motherhood Penalty will start by affecting your mindset through an increased mental load at home, and decreased confidence in juggling a career and family. You now have two full-time jobs, but not twice the time!

Before Pros&Babes training, moms with careers often reported:

➥ Mental health and anxiety issues, often linked to disturbed sleep

➥ A non-stop to-do list and feeling like they're never done

➥ Having to “do it all” on the home front, without your partner fully sharing the planning, execution, and follow-through equitably

➥ Perfectionism carrying from performing a high stakes job, which is making you anxious in parenting

➥ Doubt about being a good professional and mother

➥ Concern about multiple career breaks (for kids, parents, and a spouse) that will impact your earning and savings potential by a million dollars or more

➥ In some cases, feeling treated differently at work after motherhood or even with pregnancy

➥ A decrease in overall quality of life. And that's just part of the list. The MP affects all domains of your life. Without the right mindset work and action, many women find they lose their sense of self, their career momentum, and the joy in their marriages.

I want to take the motherhood penalty quiz!

Our Services

The MoMBA: A premium leadership

For mid- to senior-level professionals

Payment plans starting at $667+

Grants and bursaries available



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Complimentary workshops and resources

Address the Motherhood Penalty in Your Life





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Services for those
who value and support moms:

  • Employers tackling the Working Parent Problem
  • Fathers and partners of mothers
  • ERGs
  • Professional associations

From $1500 to $30,000+

Request a Quote

This Is Not Your Typical Moms' Group


After helping hundreds of moms tackle the mindset, relationship, career, and financial Motherhood Penalty since 2017, at Pros&Babes, we know this...

You're looking for an experience and a group of women who get all of you: your desire for confidence in parenthood, joy and impact in career, and solutions to the day-to-day challenges of working parenthood: without burnout or compromising family happiness and health.

You're ready to invest in yourself (you are your biggest life asset after all), to work on your mindset, and to take action, instead of being surrounded by others who stop at venting and complaining.

And there's no way you want to be facing the exact same level of overwhelm or feeling stuck in a year (or even three months).

You're ready for change, and all you need are the right tools, strategy, accountability, and group of women to make it happen.

We've got you!

Our Curriculum Partners


Afsha Butt

Wealth Planning Expert

Maraya Brown

Yale-Trained Nurse, Certified Functional Medicine Practitioner, Midwife

Kristen Dyck

Personal and Leadership Branding Expert

Yolanda Saez Castello

Mental Wellness Coach and Advanced EFT Tapping Practitioner 

Larisa Petrini

Age Reversal Expert for High Achieving Women

Amanda Robertson

Professional Engineer, Mother, Guest Speaker, Pros&Babes Ambassador

Kirsten Eeuwes

Professional Engineer, Mother, Guest Speaker, Pros&Babes Ambassador


Pros&Babes has developed its curriculum in partnership with more than 100 experts!

About Pros&Babes



Supporters and Advocates:


I want to help eliminate the Motherhood Penalty for my employees, association members, or spouse. Where do I start?

VPs, leaders, managers

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 Associations or groups


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 "Dad-vocates”/ Partners of mothers

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Pros&Babes has helped mothers and their leaders in the following organizations, and more:

Join our mailing list to stay updated on our upcoming STEM mom webinars for 2024.

Let's turn the career, financial, and personal Motherhood Penalty into your greatest advantage!